Battlefront 2 Era Mods

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Aug 06, 2020  What was initially conceived as a mod to introduce X1's Remnant to Battlefront 2 using assets from FRD's cancelled game gradually evolved into a general post-Endor mod. Battlefront II: Expanded - The Post-Endor Era strives to provide an expansion to the base game with new models, vehicles, weapons, and maps representing the different factions of that time. Mods Corusant (Jedi vs Clones) This is a Star Wars Battlefront 2 mod on Corusant which pits the Jedi verses the Clones and the Dark Jawas verses the Empire. This is a mod. 26,046 31.87MB. Mods More Bothans, Wookiees, Imperial Officers, and Dark Troopers Mod. This only affects the Galatic Civil Era.

Apr 20, 2020  This mod is not based on the Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoon series. It is designed to fit into the canon of the Star Wars Prequel trilogy. The Star Wars battlefront Clone Wars Era Mod will include over 100 of new playable units and iconic characters such as Asajj Ventress, Commander Cody, Commander Neyo, Captain Fordo, Shaak Ti, Luminara. Battlefront II Mod Loader. With this mod loader you will be able to have more than 500 missions. You are able to load only a part of your mod collection which needs less than 500 missions. So the mission limit is still active, but you can easily switch between your mods. Already Working Features: enabling/disabling mods function to reme. Download (Mod DB). The Chosen One of Battlefront 2 modding. The Conversion Pack is a huge package of additional heroes, units, and vehicles. It brings in 22 new maps spanning the Galactic Civil.

Top 10 Contents[]

  • Best Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mods

The second part of the Battlefront series revolves around the 'forces of evil.' As in, the Galactic Empire and its fate after the destruction of the second Death Star. The main hero is an unknown veteran clone trooper. The game embraces all aspects of the movies and features them front and center. You can choose to fight on Naboo in the era of the Clone Wars and take control of the droids of the Trade Federation. But if the basic plot becomes too boring, you can make the game even more exciting by installing some Battlefront 2 mods. The modding process is easy and can make the game shine with new colors. Where else would you be able to encounter major characters from this from this franchise if not for those Star Wars battlefront 2 mods we're about to list? So, get ready to open a whole new world of battlefront to Goodness. Oh, and tell us what's your favorite mod.


Star Wars Battlefront Conversion Pack

The best Battlefront 2 mods are capable of providing excitement, that's for sure. As is evident from the title, this is a total conversion of the entire game. This mod lets you play in the New Era and The Old Republic during Mandalorian Wars. It includes additional heroes as well as new weaponry, equipment, and game modes.

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Ultimate Battlefront: The Clone Wars

Battlefront 2 Classic Mods

This ultimate pack is one of the most massive SWBF2 mods – it takes up 30 gigs of space when fully installed! It may take a while to download, but it is well worth it. It gives access to ten new eras, lots of gameplay additions, custom modes, and over a hundred new maps.

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Battlefront 3 Mod

Battlefront: Evolved

If you care about how the game looks, Evolved Star Wars Battlefront 2 mods will improve the visual quality of the game immensely. Graphical enhancements, fidelity of heroes, equipment, and surroundings are phenomenal. All these improvements make the game feel a lot more immersive. Super street fighter 4 arcade edition pc keyboard fix hp.

I want this because the visual quality isn't really very good


Tactical Enhanced Combat Mod

One of the Best Battlefront 2 mods for gamers who like their battles being a bit more tactical. If you need a challenge, Tactical Enhanced Mod is the perfect choice. Running and gunning becomes more challenging. Rebel fighters have improved armor, but their movement is less nimble. In short, confrontations will become more exciting.


Dark Times II: Rising Son

Battlefront 2 Era Mods

Dark Times II is one of the most well-designed SWBF2 mods. Explore 16 brand-new maps such as Raxus Prime, Taris, Nar-Shaddaa and many others. New means of combat added to Space Assault make the battles far more dramatic. You will also like redesigned lightsaber combat system which is now available in both light and heavy modes.


Dark Times II is one of the most well-designed SWBF2 mods. Explore 16 brand-new maps such as Raxus Prime, Taris, Nar-Shaddaa and many others. New means of combat added to Space Assault make the battles far more dramatic. You will also like redesigned lightsaber combat system which is now available in both light and heavy modes.



With the aptly named mod '+123' you will be able to unlock the full potential of the game. Every game mode is available from the get-go on vanilla maps. You can try playing on Hoth and participate in a wampa assault on Echo Base. One of the few Battlefront 2 mods that give you an excellent opportunity to mix new modes with standard maps.


Mass Effect: Unification

If you enjoy Mass Effect and Star Wars, this mod will scratch this particular itch. With new characters, updated backgrounds, and the iconic Jack Wall soundtrack, these Star Wars Battlefront 2 mods are the crossover you've been waiting for. See the updated Tantive IV for yourself, which now looks like a crashed ship that's on fire, and discover countless other changes.


Battlefront Extreme

Extreme Star Wars Battlefront 2 mods are considered to be quite elaborate and for a good reason. It offers extra game modes which are slightly altered from the old ones, but it's enough for a new experience. It is worth noting that in the latest version of Extreme you can play in a new, separate era of the franchise. On top of that, several new maps and classes got updated.


Spira: Besaid

Have you thought about playing in the world of Final Fantasy X? Check out the Spira: Besaid, one of the best Battlefront 2 mods. You will get multiple new sidequests, interactive puzzles (that's right, it's not just about battles), and a save system. It is an excellent example of how much can change with a single unusual idea.


Aquilaris: Deep Sea

Aquilaris is a fascinating story contained within one map, making this addition one of the most engaging and adventurous Battlefront 2 Mods. Discover the mysterious underwater location and its deep blue depths with a new submarine vehicle. Find clues about the secret Imperial project. You'll definitely enjoy the interwoven plotline; we know we did.

'DEV's Side Mod,' by the eponymous Deviss, is a large (era) side mod featuring the Clone Wars. The thrust of the mod is that it adds basically two eras to every stock map - one that uses a global

clone legion (50X legion) and another that uses one of the more recognizable legions (212th, 501st, etc.) It also adds a handful of converted maps (Bespins and Rhen Vars) along with one previously-released map. There is also a hunt mode with Mandalorians versus clones that shows up on a handful of the maps. What the mod does well: I'll touch on this in both categories, but I think the sound that is done right here is done well. Several weapons have new sounds, and I like seeing sound work done (which made it all the more disappointing when I saw it not done). They don't all sound very 'Star-Warsy,' but it was nice to see new sounds nonetheless. I don't know that I agreed with the choice to use vehicle weapon sounds for some of the hand weapons, but diff'rent strokes. I also thought it was nice to see the era names clearly delineate what was in each map. It's not a necessity, but in the many different rainbow-of-clones mods that we get, it was nice to be able to pick and choose from the instant action screen rather than guess (or simply have to remember). This was sort've a double-edged sword, but I think the positives of this outweighed the negatives - I liked seeing the balance between the two different sides. Units for both the CIS and REP were very similar from team-to-team, and while this means that there wasn't a substantial difference between one team or the other, it did make for some well-balanced battles. What I'd like to see different: The units all pretty much felt the same. Each unit had so many different weapons that the uniqueness of each class was diluted. I think it's best when each of the classes plays differently, but when you start giving six or seven weapons to each unit it is almost an inevitability that you'll have to reuse lots of the same weapons for different classes. Keep it simple and make each class have a distinct feel. The award weapons. Total gamebreakers. If you're playing on an awards profile, most units will have an award shotgun (and a couple others an award sniper rifle). Both of those weapons are absolutely incredibly overpowered. With the sniper rifle, it takes less than ten seconds to destroy a tank, and since the weapons don't overheat or have an ammo clip, you can just mash the button and walk through the maps at your leisure. Zero challenge. It was also strange to see so many units end up with an award shotgun when they didn't have a shotgun to start off with. Visual inconsistency. Autocad 2013 64 bit activation code generator. I hate to compare mods, but I know when I was reviewing the earlier Ultimate Battlefront mod, one of the things I really liked was the consistent set of visuals between different units and legions. The reason I liked it was because it showed that (or at least made it feel like) the mod was the work of a single, coherent author (or team). Here, the units all have different visual styles - one unit will be relatively unscratched, some units will be very scratched, others will be dirty, others will have lots of addons, etc. It makes the mod look like an assets dump, which in my mind is a bad thing (since pretty much anyone can just cherrypick assets from a bunch of places). That's not to say that this is what this mod is, but it looks unprofessional to be so visually inconsistent. The heroes didn't fit. The heroes seemed to all be stock heroes. Heroes should be rewards and they should be significantly more powerful than the infantry units. Since the units were mostly powered up (as with most side mods), the heroes felt like a waste of time to use. Other comments: There were still a couple bugs I found here, despite this mod being in its fifth(+) iteration. There were a couple floating HUD tags (I saw one unit that was completely missing a weapon mesh, too). There were sound errors - some weapons (notably arc caster weapons) were missing sounds, and none of the converted maps had fixed sounds. On the subject of the extra maps, while it's always nice to see some maps added to a side mod, here they felt a little extraneous - they felt like they were added just to have 'more.' There wasn't a lot of rhyme or reason to the additions (only a couple of the BF1 maps were added, a random map was added, seemingly just because the source was open to the public), and the BF1 conversions were only partly done. I know I speak with a little bit of bias in that regard, having worked on the Conversion Pack, but it eats at me a little whenever I see half-done conversions of the SWBF1 maps after having spent as much time as I did to polish the SWBF1 maps for the Pack. On the other hand, I think the lighting setup for the Cloud City SWBF1 map here was better (or at least more accurate to the original) than the Cloud City with the Conversion Pack, so that's a plus. All in all, it's a well done mod that has a pretty fair amount of content. While it feels like a lot was added just to have more 'stuff,' I'm sure it'll still be fun to the lots of people that like playing Clone Wars mods, and if you are one of those people, go ahead and give it a download, because I'm sure you'll enjoy it. -Mav

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